Monday, September 18, 2006

Your life's direction

Who cares the most about where you end up in life? Whose responsibility is it that you find your direction?

I hope you can see where this is going. Only you have responsibility to find and choose your direction in life. Without getting into philosophy, all the choices you make in life are yours.

So what are you going to do with your life? What's up with your undergraduate degree? It's ok if you don't know what you are going to do right now. Most people don't. Some people think they know, but have just been programmed by society, their parents, infomercials, etc.

It is your responsibility to actively search for what you are interested in. (Re)assess your path, find out if it reflects who you really are. If you can't tell, investigate.

I'll use myself as an example, because I'm always around me.

I am currently on a path to enter medical school. Frankly though, I do not know if this is the right profession for me. For a while, I just bitched to other people about how I didn't know what I was going to do. I was sort of complacent, and useless about it.

As a side note: My friends must be pretty tolerant, because this sort of stuff would annoy me after awhile.

Eventually, I started doing something about it.

The first stage was "soul-searching". I looked at my interests; looked at my beliefs about life; and I even bought a book called "Do what you are" - it assesses your personality type and shows jobs/fields that you may be suited for. If you know me, you can borrow it if you’d like.

That moved me somewhere. I gained a better understanding of myself, but I still wasn't getting what I was looking for. Inspired by Ian Yberra's blog, I found that I needed to find out more about my potential career in order to give it a fair assessment.

The next stage is what I am in now: Researching my options.

I started this by talking to one of the career services’ counselors at Queen's University. She gave me some inspiration to investigate the medical profession further. I've just looked through a book called "So You Want to Be a Brain Surgeon?" And soon I will start contacting some doctors to find out what the profession is truly like.

I'll update you as that progresses, I may even post some interviews.

Frankly, I'm going steal this quote straight from Ian Yberra: It is ok not to know what you want to do, it is not ok not to do anything about it.

If you are like me, which I assume you must be a little true because you are still reading this, you may be confused about your options. Go out there and investigate. I promise people will be nice to you, since you are taking an interest in their lives and treating them like an expert. If they aren't nice, I'll join you in TPing their house.

Get out there and investigate your options! This is your life we are talking about! Go!!

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At 7:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When it comes to medicine, if you're not 110% committed to it, don't do it. Make sure you spend the time to ensure that it is the be all and end all for you.

I've talked to a lot of doctors, and while they say that there's no other feeling like it in the world, it's one of those things that you have to dedicate your entire life to.

We all (myself included) have romanticised images of being a doctor in our heads. But the reality of it is something quite different. Of course, the best way to find that out is to experience it for yourself.

Tough one.

At 1:43 AM, Blogger Joshua Hwang said...

I always worry about family and free time when considering career options. It seems like it must be possible to manage medicine and the rest of your life. The trick is to find someone who has, and ask how.

We'll see how this interviewing goes.

At 4:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my family physician leaves work every afternoon at 3. She doesn't work weekends or wednesdays and she takes random 3 week vacations. It depends on what kind of doctor you want to be. Do you want to work on call in a hospital? Or open a private practice once you start a family? Every doctor's career is not like an episode of Grey's Anatomy.

At 2:19 AM, Blogger Joshua Hwang said...

Heh, you just reminded me of the flip-side of my little career coin. I want to be challanged and have some variety in my life.

This isn't to say that you doctor isn't/hasn't any of those things; I just don't know if what that is what I'm looking for.

What is it that I (or anyone else) am looking for? That's a good question to answer. I think I'm getting a little closer though...


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